"I am the spectator / I can see the world passing by from here / I am just a child to a man, back to the dust where I began / I was never even here at all" - The Spectator, The Bravery
Sol Yarma
She/they. 18. 162cm.
Determined and callous, Sol grew up in two households—one of eleven people and the other of just two; she learned very quickly how to be sneaky and dishonest for the sake of her dignity. While she may not feel emotions too deeply, she is a strong believer in God, spiritual signs and "fate". Athleticism is not her forte, despite the countless treks she's taken around her neighbourhood on foot, simply for the thrill of stalking someone and remaining unseen. She believes it is a sweet and romantic gesture. Sol desires an adventure, desires love and intrigue and something to fill her brain; she does not think of consequences.
"You come here to me / We'll collect those lonely parts and set them down / You come here to me" - Leif Erikson, Interpol
They/them. Indeterminable. 184cm.
A trumpet turned human. Skin of brass, perpetually bouncy curls and no genitals equals a being that probably should not be seen in public; that's exactly what happened once they transformed. However, Lucio's forced isolation directly opposes and frustrates their need to be part of a group, an orchestra—envy is their most commonly felt emotion, next being hopelessness and curiosity. A rose petal landing on the floor will startle them, and a hair falling from their head might cause a hypochrondriac-like fear that they are dying. Despite their sensitivty to most human things, they have a lovely voice, and are not afraid to use it to make ear-piercing exclamations and loon-like overtures.
"I can get by now / I'm not really dead but I really needed someone to save me / Leaving me alone to die / Is worse than having the guts to kill me" - 15, Marilyn Manson
Mary Mae
She/her. 19. 168cm.
Mary's personality could be made up of things she has done, rather than things she is. What she has done: ruled the household consisting of eight dogs, her father and herself; cut and pierced herself many times over for pleasure's sake; become the best clarinet player in the state; written disgusting poetry filled with gore and almost smelling of bodily fluids; made one friend in her entire life.
What Mary might be: stoic, easily irritable, a homebody, and empty inside. The only life form she spends considerable amounts of time with is her favourite dog—a black German Shepherd by the name of Umbra.