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My online name is Page, hello! I made this website as practice, but now it's just a place where I can share some of the things that occupy my mind (namely, music and my characters). Some of my interests include CG/l dynamics, astrology (studied with understanding and empathy) and psychology; this site is a safe & open space for all those things. On the home page, I have linked all places that may be of interest to you, and if you’re Very Intrigued then you might discover more (such as commissions)!

This is basically just a revamped version of my home page, but now you know some more stuff. See you around!

any-time, every-time, all-time favourite songs

Born in Winter - Gojira ✴︎ Pug - The Smashing Pumpkins ✴︎ Purity - Slipknot ✴︎ Lovebites and Razorblades - Glassjaw ✴︎ Pretty Handsome Awkward - The Used ✴︎ Supervixen - Garbage

favourite characters